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Friday, May 8, 2009

I don't want your happy endings

I don't need the happy endings this world has to offer me. No more sunshine and Miley Cyrus and flowers and such. Give me raw, unadulterated passion in the most purest form. Give me loving so hard it causes me physical pain. Deep rooted emotional sentiment that hinders my ability to breathe. Give me that. You can save the roses. See, I don't need this world's sweet pleasantries because I've already been guaranteed my Happy Ending. My Father has secured a place for me. So before I partake in my eternal happy ending that I am so unworthy of, let me feel. Let me hurt for another. Let me be burdened for the lost. Let me love so hard that it causes me physical discomfort. Let every breath I have left here, here on this earth, be meaningful. Be glory filled. Be passionate..... lest I Turn to Stone....

Turn to Stone

let's take a better look
beyond a story book
and learn our souls are all we own
before we turn to stone

let's go to sleep with clearer heads
and hearts too big to fit our beds
and maybe we won't feel so alone
before we turn to stone

and if you wait for someone
else's hand
you will surely fall down
if you wait for someone
else's hand
you'll fall, you'll fall

i know that i am nothing new
my words might not seem much to you
but brother how we must atone
before we turn to stone

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